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Educación digital: el papel de los padres

Digital Education: The Role of Parents

With the new array of opportunities in education, parents can choose from a multitude of resources to enhance their children’s skills and cognitive abilities. As parents, it’s normal for questions about the reliability of current devices and teaching methodologies to arise because… who wouldn’t have wanted to grow up with all the alternatives that exist today?
Abandoning traditional methods, digital education has emerged as a constant innovation for children’s development. Serving as continuous support and inspiration for them, they discover their full potential through simple exercises, games, and interaction with technologies.
And speaking of technologies, did you know that KIDS’TABLE brings together the best of all of them? In their program, they identify over 150 applications based on the Montessori method and thousands of videos that ensure children’s growth in a safe and fun environment.

The Technological Impact on the Family

The rapid advancement of technology has brought about a new perspective on children’s learning. Seen as something entertaining and educational, the acceptance by younger individuals is greater than that of older generations, for example. This is due to the idealization that already exists regarding technological means, as well as the generational gap between them.

The Role of Parents in Children's Growth

Continuing with traditional educational methodology, teaching used to be more systematic. Parents and teachers acted as figures who constantly monitored their progress, correcting them along the way and establishing their own structures.
Over the years, new procedures have been developed with the help of technology, which is capable of even disseminating all kinds of existing systems adapted to their computational versions.
When choosing digital education in children’s growth, various considerations should be taken into account:
  • Understand the digital environment. To do this, staying informed is a good way to adapt to new updates. Moreover, by keeping up with the latest trends and familiarizing yourself with applications, you will achieve a greater affinity with technology.
  • Facilitate active learning.  Take advantage of all the opportunities technology offers and show them to your little ones. Together, you can promote active learning by exploring all digital resources and alternatives.
  • Encourage responsible use. As their main role model, children in their early years will base their activities on what they observe from your actions. That’s why, as a direct example, you should establish all the conditions that promote their healthy growth in the digital environment.

KIDS’TABLE: The Best Ally for Children's Growth

By being based on the Montessori learning system, parents take on a new role: guiding their growth. The digital table incorporates applications that promote critical thinking, motivate them to explore on their own, and discover more about the world around them.
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