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How to promote children’s cognitive development

KIDS’TABLE is the interactive table with which children stimulate their cognitive intelligence. With more than 150 educational apps, they foster these abilities from an early age, ensuring proper development in the future.
Based on the Montessori method, growing up while having fun, enhancing all their skills… It’s child’s play! In this post, we will tell you all the necessary keys for them to progress and mature these faculties.

Key factors to stimulate cognitive development

We know that the early years of life are crucial for young children as they acquire new knowledge and interact with their environment. As they achieve important milestones, their self-esteem and mind evolve and strengthen.
There are various factors that promote children’s development:

Happiness: a key piece

The little ones also perceive bad environments. That’s why it is of vital importance that they are surrounded by pleasant stimuli and, above all, feel loved by the people around them, especially their parents. This way they can develop a healthier mind in a calm space.
The interactive table is designed with specific resources to provide a multifunctional space that motivates them.

Playing is an ally in their cognitive stimulation

Learning through play is the most effective way to develop the child’s talents, according to experts. It has been demonstrated that having fun while learning ensures the consolidation of concepts in the mind and their subsequent evolution.
KIDS’TABLE features safe software, specifically designed to promote all their abilities and encourage critical thinking through entertainment.

Development of their emotional intelligence

With KIDS’TABLE children develop their intellect by reasoning and understanding concepts with its educational content. That’s why it is essential to make them understand that emotions play an important role in their lives from an early age. In this way, they can detect how others feel and communicate their feelings, among other things.

Sounds and their identification

Scientifically, it has been proven that at a neurological level, music and sounds in general aid in the cognitive development of children by enhancing their creativity and attention. One of the most important characteristics is that it sharpens their minds for a quicker reaction to any sound.
KIDS’TABLE is the touchscreen table with unique games. Like its graphics, its music has been created from scratch to complement the content of its educational apps, making it more unique and original.

Unlimited exploration

Through exploration, children stimulate their curiosity and autonomy, learning from their mistakes and finding solutions. The digital table features more than 150 children’s interactive games… With which the KIDS’TABLE adventure has no bounds!
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