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8 advantages of technology in education

How many of our daily actions are related to technology? Present in our day-to-day, we must take advantage of the benefits that the digital age offers us.
Education has been one of the areas that has seen the greatest growth, favouring learning, developing skills and promoting positive values.
All of this through the implementation of technological tools in educational methodologies.
Like KIDS’TABLE, the digital interactive table based on the Montessori methodology that combines technology and education in a single tool.
If you want to know 8 advantages of the use of technology in education and how KIDS’TABLE develops them through safe content, this post is for you.

8 advantages of KIDS’TABLE’s educational technology


Learning through play is one of the greatest motivational tools of KIDS’TABLE. As their interest increases, children want to continue learning. Without punishments or penalties, they get a positive attitude towards challenges, as well as greater perseverance in their decisions.


In the cooperative games of the ‘Multiplayer’ folder, we promote collaborative work and teach children to think as a group. They practice active listening, decision-making and the creation of strategies to carry it out; skills they will need to apply as adults in their day-to-day life.


Children are no longer mere spectators and become active players in their learning. KIDS’TABLE encourages exercising their creativity by proposing different solutions to the same problem and evaluating the possible consequences of their actions. It invites them to think in a clever and independent way.


Did you know that there are no instructions for the games in KIDS’TABLE? The interactive table helps children to think for themselves by generating their own ideas and opinions. It encourages them to be self-sufficient and resourceful.
Based on the Montessori method, the goal is to achieve children’s autonomy. Thanks to its safe and closed software, we can let them experiment with complete confidence.


Why apply the same method for everyone if each child is different? KIDS’TABLE adapts to the level of each one by recognizing what the person needs and offering it to them.
Without pressure or comparisons, we get them to feel good about themselves and develop good self-esteem since the goals they set are achievable.

Critical thinking

Identifying patterns and evaluating information to solve problems are skills that enhance the critical thinking of young children.
In KIDS’TABLE, most games are designed to work on these relevant skills that will accompany them in their adult lives.


Our interactive table based on the Montessori method and its technology adapted to each child’s level promotes a positive attitude towards the challenges they face, generating greater self-confidence.


KIDS’TABLE’s educational games help manage challenging emotions, such as frustration or impulse control.
Working on skills such as overcoming failure and hardship puts into practice the children’s resilience, an essential quality in human development.
We must choose how to use technology in the education of young children. The method that suits our values and with which we feel most comfortable. At KIDS’TABLE, we believe that safe software can be a good option to do so, and if we also enhance their skills while they have fun, it is a great choice.
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