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Benefits of playing as a learning strategy

Playing is one of the most effective methods, recommended by professionals, for learning and developing knowledge in a fun way. Through playing, young children lay the foundation for their social and emotional skills.
According to research, the most important period in human development is from birth to eight years of age. During these years, cognitive, emotional and physical competencies are formed, which are important for adulthood. When children play, they don’t realise the amount of knowledge they are acquiring and consolidating in their minds, they simply play. This fact favours the child’s active role in their own growth.

Playing with the family strenthens the emotional bond

Playing games with the family strengthens the bond between parents and children, creating a relationship of safety and trust between them. This reduces potential emotional and cognitive problems in children. Kids are happier knowing that they have a father or mother figure who is there for them at all times to support them.
Although playing with children may not have the same meaning for adults, we must be aware that it creates memories that will mark their growth stage and be remembered for their entire lives. It is in our hands to provide them with great experiences so that they become adults with good memories of their childhood.
In adittion, they learn to express their emotions and points of view, one of the most important characteristics when establishing social relationships, as they are capable of expressing their needs and setting their own limits at all times.
With KIDS’TABLE playing with the family is an unique adventure! Thanks to the multiplayer games on our tablet-table, you can all have fun together surrounded by love, care and understanding.
KIDS’TABLE is designed for children to develop their abilities through play, eliminating any obstacles in their learning and turning them into individuals with their own intiative.
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