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The importance of children’s furniture in their development

Did you know that the environment plays a crucial role in children’s growth? Specifically, choosing the right furniture can greatly enhance their activities while ensuring comfort, safety and well-being.
KiDS’TABLE is the first digital table designed with over 150 Montessori-based applications, perfectly tailored to accommodate all their needs and adapted to their abilities. Plus, it’s size is ideal for children aged 3 to 9!

How to choose the perfect furniture for children

While we often associate children’s furniture with vibrant colours and animal prints, there are other factors to consider when selecting the ideal piece:

Eye catching design

An original and captivating design will naturally pique children’s curiosity. By incorporating unique colors and patterns, we create a more inviting environment that nurtures their development.
Our interactive table with applications is available in four delightful colours –blue, yellow, purple, and red– so that little ones can pick their favourite.


Furniture adapted to their size ensures optimal comfort, leading to a positive impact on their development.


Ensuring that the furniture is designed with safety in mind is of utmost importance. Rounded edges, non-toxic materials, and appropiate durability provide peace of mind, allowing children to enjoy their experience without any worries.
KIDS’TABLE creates a secure environment for children, a digital table that incorporates all these essential features to ensure a safe browsing experience.

Sensory stimulation

The right furniture stimulates children’s senses of touch, sight, and hearing. Engaging in everyday tasks on suitable furniture also encourages exploration and learning.
With its versatility, KIDS’TABLE offers young ones a multifunctional space where they can nurture their imagination, autonomy and innate skills.

Holistic growth

Furniture doesn’t just impact their cognitive abilities – it also fosters responsibility, organization, and the development of fine and gross motor skills.

KIDS’TABLE: the digital table based on the Montessori method

Are you familiar with Montessori rooms? KIDS’TABLE seamlessly integrates into this type of space, perfectly sized for young children. To further enhance the experience, it incorporates Montessori applications that target all aspects of children’s cognitive and physical abilities.
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