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KIDS’TABLE: a safe tool for children

The world of digital toys has taken the market by storm, offering a wide range of features that have become essential tools for children.
Among them, the innovative touchscreen table with games is the first in the market that includes over 150 educational applications based on the Montessori method and thousands of videos, providing a secure platform for children to learn while having fun.

Ensuring children’s safety with KIDS’TABLE

The educational content of KIDS’TABLE is rooted in the Montessori method. This approach promotes children’s cognitive abilities and enhances their innate skills. Moreover, it embraces mistakes as part of the learning process, using them as a driving force to discover new ways of acting.
With a system created from scratch by our team of experts, here’s how KIDS’TABLE guarantees a safe learning environment:


Offering a comprehensive collection of over 150 applications, children can explore various categories and choose their favourite content. These educational apps are thoughtfully designed to cater to the different types of intelligence (link blog) complemented by the thousands of videos available on the tablet-table.


KIDS’TABLE is designed with children in mind. Its perfect size and rounded edges ensure a comfortable and accident-free experience, allowing kids to engage in all kinds of activities.


If you’re concerned about spills or objects accidentally falling on it, we have good news! The durable construction of KIDS’TABLE can withstand it all. Cleaning it is a breeze! It’ll be done in less than five minutes.

Wireless connectivity

KIDS’TABLE is able to connect to the internet, offering access to a vast video catalogue and always staying updated. Its closed software provides an additional layer of security, safeguarding children from potentially harmful online content.
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